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Pridajte sa k nám na našom Innovate meet-upe, na ktorom sa budeme opäť venovať zaujímavým témam 🔔.
Na čo sa môžete tešiť:
1. Real time fraud monitoring in online payments - Edward Haupt (ENG)
Fraudulent activities in payment transactions can result in significant financial losses and reputational damage for businesses. To address these risks, we have developed a real-time fraud monitoring system that utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms to detect fraudulent activity in payment transactions. This presentation will provide an overview of the purpose and architecture of the system.
The architecture of our system consists of several components, including data collection and preprocessing, real-time processing, and alerting and reporting. We are analyzing data in real-time from multiple sources, such as transaction logs, user profiles, and current user behaviour. The system provides a comprehensive approach to detecting fraudulent activities in payment transactions, minimizing the risk of fraudulent transactions and ensuring the safety of payments for our customers.
In this presentation, we will discuss the data sources and tools used, the general approach to detecting fraud, and challenges we face. We will also explore how the system can be adapted and scaled for other applications.
By the end of this presentation, you will gain a glimps of how our real-time fraud monitoring system works and its potential for wider application in the fight against fraudulent activities.
2. One machine learning & AI framework to rule them all - Baris Kalayci (ENG)
In today's world, it is possible to build AI models with just a few lines of code. Running these models on production systems may only require few clicks. However, when there is a need to understand how these models were created and can be operated, we need frameworks that can standardize the end-to-end model development, documentation, deployment, and monitoring processes.
Our platform agnostic framework Model Factory, developed at Erste Digital, is exactly filling this gap. For over 3 years, we have been developing and applying the framework in various solutions with different model types. Today, models for Compliance Advanced Analytics Platform, Transaction Classification, Data Quality Management, Early Warning Signals, etc. are operated on various environments by Model Factory.
Erste Digital sídli na 6. poschodí v Cassovar Biznis Centre na Žriedlovej 13 v Košiciach. Priestor bude otvorený od 18:00, prvá diskusia začne o 18:30 a celá udalosť bude trvať max do 21:00.
Vstup je zdarma, stačí sa prihlásiť cez registračný formulár. INNOVATE vznikol vďaka hlavnému partnerovi Erste Digital.
Registrácia tu: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=ajfQOtNUpkmeIFLeCpL8iTGUcqrhMO5Fnlk8rMx09SNUMjlKMVc3MUk1TDhTTzAwTEtDNkJPS1Q0Ry4u
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